DIGITAL SCANNING: Click for Pricing

Noritsu and Fuji Fronteir - 35mm and 120

Both of these scanner are high volume film scanners. These scanners are used for roll scanning and individual images. Image files can be made low res (approx. 6mb) or med res (approx. 20mb) and as JPEG or TIFF.

Imacon Hassleblad - 35mm up to 5x4 film     

This scanner is fashioned for mastering single images.
(This scanner offers full control over sharpness colour contrast )
with an option on file sizes and 3FFF raw scanning.

Epson 10000 XL - A3 Flatbed Scanning

Chan Photographic Imaging offers the service to
scan your contact sheets and prints up to 16x12 (A3).
It is also avaliable for rental by the hour or day!


Scanning Resolution’s Below